Monday, January 23, 2012

Break Your Sugar Addiction, photo by Windell Oskay
Last Monday, I asked, Are You Addicted to Sugar? I challenged readers to look at the ingredient labels in their own kitchens. If you did that, I bet you discovered that sugar is hidden in more foods than you realized.
Some of you may be thinking, Yeah, I know I’m consuming sugar, but so what?
I’m going to avoid getting scientific here—I’m certainly not an expert, so I’m going to offer several links to articles written by people who are. However, I will say this: God created our bodies to burn fat for fuel. When the USDA introduced the low-fat, high carbohydrate food pyramid in 1992, their recommendations sounded reasonable. Eat less fat, be less fat, right? The problem was that by taking away the good fats along with the bad, our bodies were no longer receiving adequate fuel. What we were taking in, however, was extra amounts of sugar and refined grains (which turn to sugar almost immediately upon consumption). Our bodies began burning sugar instead of fat. 
Why does it matter which fuel our bodies burn? 
Since Americans have cut back on good fats and ramped up their sugar intake, we’ve also ramped up on health problems, like cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and more. In fact, the more sugar you burn in place of fat, the shorter and more filled with health problems your life is likely to be.
Please, don’t take my word for it. Read what the experts have to say:
So, how do you break your addiction to sugar and start burning fat instead? It’s simple, really, though it won’t be easy for the first week or so. Cut out all sugar and anything that turns to sugar—grains, even whole ones. (This isn’t forever! You will eventually be able to add back in some whole grains and natural sugars, like honey, in moderation.)
You will quickly realize just how many things you consume that contain sugar or ingredients that turn to sugar. Don’t give up! Keep searching for great recipes (we’ll have some on here, and you can find even more at Maximized Living) that you like, and make sure to eat a lot of vegetables!
Take note: If your body is used to burning sugar, and then you suddenly stop giving it sugar, it’s going to resist. For a few days, you will feel sluggish, cranky, perhaps experience headaches, and possibly other symptoms. This is because your body is still trying to burn sugar, and you aren't giving it any. Don’t give up. Your body will switch to fat burning mode, and when it does, you will know it. You'll begin to feel energized, your cravings for sugar will minimize (or even disappear), and you'll have a lot more endurance.
So, how about it? Want to become a fat burner?
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