Friday, February 3, 2012

Primal Scotch Eggs

When my husband showed me this picture, my low-fat trained brain just about went into convulsions. At first glance, this looks like the absolute antithesis of healthy eating. Look a little deeper, however, and you'll realize it's a great protein packed breakfast you can take with you, and it tastes so good you feel guilty, simply because you think you should!

These taste great either hot or cold, and because they're a grab and go food, the prep time can sneak up on you. This recipe is certainly simple, but it can take up more of your morning than you want it to, if you don't plan ahead.

To make hot Scotch Eggs:

The night before:

Hard boil and peel 8 eggs
Mix up 1 pound of homemade sausage
Divide the sausage into 8 equal parts and wrap around the eggs.
Brown the outside of the sausage by frying over medium-high heat. Make sure to use oil that can withstand higher temps. Although olive oil is a great cooking and baking oil, don't use it for something like this. If it smokes, it has gone rancid and has turned from a good oil to a bad oil. Coconut oil is a great choice for this recipe.
Place the sausage covered eggs in the refrigerator.

In the morning:

Bake the sausage covered eggs at 375 for at least 10 minutes, or until warmed through.

To make cold Scotch eggs:

Follow all of the above steps, even baking, the night before. In the morning, simply grab your Scotch eggs on the way out the door!

To see the original Primal Scotch Eggs recipe from Mark's Daily Apple, click here.

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